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Winter Page 23

  But it could wait a little longer. I just wanted her to fall asleep in my arms.

  Chapter Nine


  The sunlight through the blinds burned my eyes. I was so tired that I could barely lift my hand to protect myself. Rebel's arms were still wrapped around me, holding me tight in a spooning position. The old couch at Rebel's place wasn't very comfy but we were able to sleep on it for the entire night.

  Or maybe the sex was so exhausting that we could've slept on thumbtacks.

  I flipped over in his arms until I was facing Rebel. His eyes slowly opened and a smile appeared. “I'd like to wake up every morning to that beautiful face.”

  “Get used to it because I won't be able to afford my nice apartment anymore.”

  Rebel brushed a stray hair from my face. “Doesn't matter. Just move in with me.”

  I kissed him and felt his soft flesh below turn hard. I reached down and stroked his length, imagining last night. “Ready for more, Rebel?”

  “You're going to kill me woman.”

  “Then it will be a good death.”

  Rebel agreed and we kissed again. He rolled me over onto my back and spread my legs. I don't know how I even had the energy for any of this. But all I knew, was that I wouldn't be satisfied until we made up for those four long years.

  We fucked over and over again until the late afternoon. My body was like goo, sticking to the couch and never wanting to let go.

  “Would you like some breakfast?” Rebel asked, finally prying himself from our fuck station.

  I laughed and looked outside at the setting sun. “What do you have?

  “Not much. I haven't been grocery shopping since I got out. Probably just oatmeal.”

  I grabbed a blanket and covered my naked body, sinking further into the couch. I wasn't going anywhere today. “Oatmeal sounds perfect.”

  Rebel went to the kitchen to fix us some breakfast and I lay on the couch, staring up at the popcorn ceiling.

  My life had taken a crazy turn ever since Rebel King showed up on my doorstep. I tried to forget him during those four years but it was impossible. And now he was back and I was his property once again. I liked the feeling of being owned by Rebel. He'd do anything to protect me and anything to satisfy my desires.

  But I had lost my father in the process. The only family I had left and now he was out of my life. If only I had known the truth sooner. Maybe I could have prevented Rebel from going to jail.

  We could be married now, with a couple kids running around the house. All those years we wasted. We needed to make up for all that lost time.

  Rebel returned, holding two bowls of steaming oatmeal. “Breakfast is served, Ms. Spencer.” Rebel acted like a butler, bending over to hand me my bowl.

  “Thank you, sir. You may have the day off,” I said waving my hand away.

  “You're so kind, Master.”

  Rebel jumped on the couch next to me, still completely naked. I never got sick of staring at his inked chest. I dipped my spoon into the hot oatmeal and devoured it in seconds. I didn't even realize how hungry I was.

  Sex really takes it out of you.

  Rebel set his empty bowl on the ground and wiped his mouth. “We need to talk, Kayla.”

  My heart skipped a beat. How could it possibly get any worse?

  Rebel sighed. “I didn't tell you the whole story. And now I need your help.”

  “What is it, Rebel? You know I'll do anything for you.”

  “After I got out of prison, I was picked up by Mayor McCain. He helped your father put me away.”

  “That son of a bitch.” Anger rose in my chest like heartburn.

  “He was also the one that got me out of prison.”

  “I knew it couldn't have been for overcrowding.”

  “Now he wants me to do something that I don't think you're going to like. He wants me to take down your father.”

  My father...

  “The mayor wants you to kill my father?” I could barely say the words without choking on them.

  Rebel shook his head. “Not exactly. He wants to destroy Spencer Enterprises. And I can do that without any killing.”

  Even though I hated my father's guts, I didn't want him to get hurt. “What if you don't do what the mayor wants?”

  Rebel looked deep into my eyes. “He'll send me right back to prison.”

  “Then what do you have to do?”

  Rebel held my hand, squeezing it for support. “I need access to his office. Your father has had dealing with a lot of nefarious groups. If I can get documents that will implicate him, that will satisfy the mayor.”

  I looked up at Rebel with determined eyes. “Let me do it, Rebel. I can get access to his office and take whatever you need.”

  Rebel shook his head. “I won't let you do that, Kayla. I can't risk you getting caught and sent to prison. I could never live with myself.”

  “But you need me.”

  “I do need you. I won't be able to get into Spencer Enterprises without you. If you can distract your father long enough for me to slip into his office, I can get what I need and we both slip out. Your father won't even know what happened until the cops come to arrest him.”

  Everything that I knew about my father was false. I had been blind to it my whole life. But not anymore. “I was wrong about my father being a good man. He deserves to go to jail. Let's do it.”

  Rebel smiled and hugged me.

  I broke out of the hug when the idea hit me. “The only way it will work is if we do it late at night. He has a secretary that would see you the moment you stepped out of the elevator. My father works late every night and his secretary won't be there past five.”

  “Then we do it tonight. Before the mayor has any more reasons to send me to jail.”

  We were about to do some very illegal stuff. I was risking my life for Rebel. But he would do the same for me in a second.


  I wished there was a way not to involve Kayla. But she was the only way into Spencer Enterprises. She was the only way to put my past behind us and move on.

  Kayla drove the BMW up to the security station at Spencer Enterprises. Her hands were twisting the steering wheel.

  “Just act normal, Kayla. Nothing is going to go wrong.” No amount of reassuring could stop the beads of sweat from running down her face.

  “I know but I can't help it.” She rolled down her window and handed her ID to the guard. “I'm Mr. Spencer's daughter,” Kayla choked out.

  I did my best to keep a low profile. I didn't want the guard to identify me and stop this whole rodeo before it got started.

  The guard checked the ID and handed it back. “Little late for a visit?” He looked past Kayla at me but didn't seem to know who I was.

  Kayla giggled nervously. “I know but he's so busy and this is the only time I can see him.”

  He handed the ID back to Kayla. “Your father is definitely a busy man. Go right on in, Ms. Spencer.”

  Kayla blew out a big breath as she drove to the parking lot. “I don't know if I can do this, Rebel.”

  “You're doing fine, baby. When you see your dad, let the anger do the talking. Make him think you want to reconcile.”

  I couldn't do this without Kayla. If she backed out, I'd have a big problem with Mayor McCain.

  Kayla parked the car, closed her eyes, and breathed through her nose. “Let me just go over the plan one more time. I'll get my father downstairs and outside. While you take the elevator up and do some magic computer work.”

  “I only need his hard drive. I won't even need to turn on the computer. Shouldn't take me longer than five minutes. When I'm back downstairs and out of the elevator, I'll send you a text. You won't even need to look at your phone.”

  “And what if he wants to go back to his office before you're finished?”

  “Send me a text so I can get out or at least hide.” I put my hand on her thigh. You'll do fine, Kayla.”

  We left the car and walk
ed into the giant lobby. I'd never seen anything so extravagant before except for Kayla's father's house. The place was deserted except for a few security guards. We walked past all the elevators and Kayla pointed to a supply closet next to a lone elevator.

  The door was unlocked and I opened it to find to a cramped room full of buckets and brooms. “I'll hide here. When I hear you get out of the elevator with your father, I'll take it up.”

  “Tell me you love me one last time.” Kayla's deep blue eyes stared into mine.

  “I love you, Kayla Spencer.” I kissed her lips, lingering there for longer than we should've. But she tasted so good. If we weren't about commit a robbery, I'd take her into the broom closet, hard and fast.

  But my cock would have to wait. There would be a time for celebrating later.

  I watched Kayla press the elevator button and wait. The doors opened and she looked over at me. I winked at her and she nodded, entering the elevator.

  I closed the supply closet door and took a deep breath. Kayla was a smart girl. She'd be able to pull it off. But could I get in and out of his office before anybody saw me? I wasn't so good at the sneaking thing. My way was to blow the doors wide open with guns drawn and destroy my enemies.

  Corporate espionage wasn't in my toolbox.

  But I'd have to do my best tonight. Kayla's and my life depended on it.

  Chapter Ten


  The elevator zoomed up past all the floors. Sweat perspired down the sides of my face. My hands were locked to each other and I couldn't unravel them. Act normal, Kayla. It's just your father.

  Rebel was no doubt used to doing things like this but for me, this was my first time. I took a couple deep breaths as the elevator dinged and the doors opened.

  My father's secretary sat at her desk, painting her nails. “Ms. Spencer, what are you doing here so late?”

  Oh fuck. The secretary was supposed to be gone by now.

  Even if I was able to get my father downstairs, how would Rebel get past the secretary?

  My father came out of his office when he heard the commotion. Anger flooded my veins. I'd never forgive him for what he did to Rebel. “Kayla? I didn't expect to see you so soon.”

  I fought every urge to punch him right in the face. “I need to talk to you.”

  My father turned to his secretary. “I won't be needing you anymore.”

  She nodded quietly and walked by me to the elevator, her perfume lingering in the air. I breathed a big sigh of relief. The whole plan could have been jeopardized if she stuck around.

  “I was hoping we'd get to have another conversation,” my father said.

  “Not here. Can we go somewhere?”

  My dad smiled. “Sure, honey. Let me just get my things.”

  I waited for my father to get his briefcase and we took the elevator down together. My father was done working for the night so Rebel had all the time in the world to get the hard drive. So far so good, Kayla. Keep it up.

  We rode down in silence. I didn't even know what to say to him. All my planning had only gotten me to this point. What was I supposed to do next?

  The elevator hit the bottom floor and I quickly glanced at the supply closet. It was closed. Good luck, Rebel.

  My father and I walked outside of his building into the cold night air. “I'm truly sorry about what happened, Kayla.”

  I couldn't hold back the rage anymore. “Are you? Are you really sorry or are you just saying that?”

  “You're right, Kayla. I'm not sorry for what I did. Rebel isn't the right man for you. I'd do it again if I had the chance.”

  How could my father be so cruel? When I was a kid, he used to read me Winnie-the-Pooh and sing me a lullaby to put me to sleep every night. What happened to that man? “I love him. That won't change no matter how much you try to stop it.”

  “You're stronger than I ever gave you credit for, Kayla. You remind me a lot of myself.”

  That was the greatest insult. “I'll never be like you,” I seethed.

  My father looked concerned and started checking his coat pockets. “I think I forgot my phone. Let's go back upstairs and we can talk some more.”

  My heart jumped out of my throat. Rebel didn't have enough time. I reached out my hand to stop my dad. “No stop! We need to talk outside. You're phone can wait. I'm what's important right now.”

  My father shrugged me off. “Don't be ridiculous, Kayla. We can talk in my office while I search for my phone.”

  I had no choice. I quickly took out my phone and sent Rebel a quick text:

  On our way.

  He wouldn't have time to go back down the elevator. He'd have to hide and ride it down while we were in my father's office.

  We walked back into the building and to the elevator. My palms were sweaty as we waited for it to descend to the ground level.

  “We can work this out,” my father said. “I only wanted the best for you.”

  I couldn't concentrate enough to argue with him anymore. All my brainpower was focused on Rebel. Did he even get my text?

  It would be all over if my father found him. Rebel would go back to prison. My father might even prosecute me when he finds out I was the one that betrayed him.

  The elevator opened and we stepped inside. We're coming, Rebel.


  I waited patiently until Kayla and Mr. Spencer exited the building before jumping into the elevator. I didn't know how much time Kayla was going to be able to give me so I needed to work fast.

  The elevator doors opened on a big room with tiles floors and a wood-paneled ceiling. I thought it was Mr. Spencer's office but realized it had to be the secretary's. Mr. Spencer's would be behind the big double doors.

  I opened them to find exactly what I pictured his office to look like. It was bigger than my entire house. The view of Saint Marks all lit up was breathtaking. I could stand and stare at that scenery all night. But I had a job to do.

  His desk and computer were on the far left side of the office. A framed photo of Kayla and her father from high school graduation sat on the desk. Kayla and Mr. Spencer looked so happy together. But so much had changed now.

  I put the framed photo down and started taking apart the computer tower. In prison, computers and I became very close. They had me working on repairing computers night and day. They said that my background of fixing up motorcycles could help.

  It didn't.

  Computers were foreign to me but after a couple years I became somewhat familiar with them.

  Once the computer was opened, I spotted two hard drives and unplugged them both. But I couldn't guarantee that everything I needed was on these. I searched the drawers for any papers that he might try to hide. A locked drawer piqued my interest. That's where I would hide the documents that could put me away.

  I tugged on it hard but it wouldn't budge. He wouldn't keep the key just sitting around. It was probably on his person. I'd have to open this the old-fashioned way. I picked up the left side of the desk as high as I could, my muscles bulging through my leather jacket.

  I let go and the desk slammed to the ground. I checked the drawer but it was still locked.

  One more time should do it.

  I picked up the desk again and heaved it to the ground. The lower drawers smashed and broke apart. The locked one was opened part way. I took the whole drawer out and spotted another hard drive.


  The two in the computer probably held nothing. I tossed them to the side and took the hidden hard drive. “I got you now, you son of a bitch,” I said aloud.

  The doors to the office opened and I froze in place. “Who are you talking to, Rebel?” Mayor McCain asked, walking in with a gun pointed right at me.

  “What the fuck are you doing here, Mayor?”

  “Cleaning up some loose ends,” he replied. “Now drop that hard drive and put your hands up.”

  I let the hard drive slip out of my fingers and to the ground. I slowly brought my hand behind my
back to reach for my gun.

  Mayor McCain shook his gun at me. “Not so fast, Rebel. Hands up high where I can see him.”

  I wouldn't be able to pull my pistol out fast enough. The mayor would get off two shots before I could even fire a first. I hesitantly raised my hands up.