The Night Feeds Page 15
It wasn't too late for Dagger and maybe it wasn't too late for an old man like me.
I found myself on the doorstep of Emily's apartment, too afraid to knock. Fearful of what lay beyond the door. The complex she lived in was rundown and grimy. Graffiti stained the walls and drug dealers stood on each corner. In all the years I knew Emily, I had never visited her home. Now I knew why she never wanted me over. I could have changed all this. I could have provided her with everything she needed. Instead, I kept her at arm's length, never giving her the love she deserved. And Emily deserved it all.
I slammed my fist on the door as my knees almost caved in. My heart pounded in my throat and a wave of nausea came over me. A moment later and nothing. What if she wasn't home? I could leave and act like it never happened. But I saw her car parked outside. She could be in trouble. I need to help her.
The door creaked opened before my knighthood kicked in. Emily stood there with her long dark hair damp, and a tiny towel wrapped around her wet naked body. “Pain...what are you doing here?”
“I'm no longer the President of the Devil's Hellions MC.”
Emily looked confused, her head cocked to the side. “Oh my god. I had no idea you were even thinking about retiring.”
Seeing Emily wearing next to nothing was getting my blood flowing. I had to take what was mine. I pushed the door and and welcomed myself inside. Emily stepped back, allowing me in. “I came here for you, Emily.”
Emily closed her eyes to try and process all the new information. “What are you talking about?”
I closed the door behind me and locked it. “I made a terrible mistake all those years ago.” I stepped within inches of Emily, her wrinkled eyes staring up to mine. We were both old now. But she was still as beautiful as the first day I met her. “I just didn't know how bad of a mistake until now.”
Our kiss could have powered a nuclear reactor. All the pent up emotions we had for each other over the years was exploding. Her lips tasted just as soft and sweet as they did all those years ago. How could I ever forgive myself for not kissing this mouth every day I was near her.
My fingers unwrapped her towel and it dropped to the floor. Emily moaned softly as my hands met her tits again. They were even bigger than I remembered and felt so god damn nice. I could get lost in her cleavage forever.
I felt down the sides of her waist and around her back. Emily shivered to my touch. I grabbed her ass and forced her against me. We kissed passionately again, our tongues dancing around.
“I can't wait another second, Pain. Take me now and take me hard. You better make up for all the time we lost.”
I didn't need to say another word. I fumbled around with my belt buckle and dropped my jeans to the ground. Emily felt up my thick shaft, stroking me over my boxer briefs. I turned Emily around until she faced away. I bent her over the back of her dirty couch, her ass pressed against me. I pulled down my boxers and placed my cock between her cheeks. I could've come right then, spraying my milky seed all over her hot ass. But I needed to feel her again.
I sunk my pulsing cock into her sweet wet pussy, sliding right in with ease. The warm tight feeling around my shaft almost made me climax. I pushed further and further, filling Emily up completely. It's exactly as I remembered it.
I took her from behind, my hips smacking against Emily's soft ass. I traced my finger across the old faded tattoo: Property of Devil's Hellions MC. “You better get that tattoo're Pain's Property now,” I murmured
Emily screamed my name over and over again, disintegrating as she came. I clenched my teeth and found my release, filling her with my warm cum. We became one and I knew she was all mine. Emily was Pain's Property now.
The End
Cold Embrace
Copyright 2016 Lauren Hunt
All Rights Reserved.
Disclaimer: This ebook is a work of fiction. Any resemblance characters in this story may have to real people is coincidental.
No section of this book may be copied or reproduced without the author's permission.
It was lust at first sight...
Curves in all the right places.
Eyes to die for.
She'd be screaming my name in bed by the end of the night.
But one night wasn't enough. I hadn't had my fill yet.
This is a Standalone Romance with a HEA!
Chapter One
Shit! I arrived at the Emerald Club fifteen minutes late again. My boss was going to kill me. The seedy building stood in an abandoned complex right next to the jammed-packed freeway. A gigantic neon sign repeated girls three times and a long pink awning jutted out from the front door.
I stumbled out of my car, carrying my purse and bag of school books. In between dances, I could get a little homework done if nobody bothered me. Jerome stood at the front door looking menacingly as always. He was an over-sized black man with the softest heart and a hug that could crush every bone in your body. He grinned and let me right in.
The club lights were dimmed and Poppy danced on stage to Britney Spears' “Womanizer.” A bar sat along the far right wall and Johnny was there tending to the drunks. A shot of whiskey sounded good right about now. I took a hard right through velvet curtains that stated: Employees Only.
Joe, the owner, came barreling towards me. His hair had receded to the very back of his head and he wore the cheapest suit available. He wasn't as soft as Jerome but he took care of his girls. “Winter! You gotta be fucking kidding me. How could you be late again after we just had that talk?”
Damn! I thought he might not have noticed this time.
“I'm so sorry, Joe, but I got caught in traffic.”
Joe checked his watch. “There's no fucking traffic at nine o'clock.”
“There was an accident. I promise it won't happen again.” I gave him my best puppy dog eyes. Joe was a sucker for a pretty girl.
He narrowed his eyes at me. “Poppy offered to switch with you. You're on in twenty minutes.”
I really owed Poppy a big one. This was the fifth time she had covered for me. Maybe I could buy her some makeup as a thank you.
Joe continued, “I also need you to cover Jasmine's shift on Saturday night.”
Double Shit! This Saturday I promised my mom I'd come visit her. But I couldn't negotiate with Joe without him firing me on the spot. I was already playing with fire.
“You got it, Joe. Whatever you need.”
Joe clasped his hands and bowed before me. He really wasn't all that bad. I just needed to be on time more often.
I walked into the makeup room and sat at my station. Exposed light bulbs surrounded the mirror and pictures of my family were taped to the edges. I wanted my area to feel a little more homey—a little more personal. I went to the open rack behind me that held the few outfits I owned. The dancers at Emerald were required to pay for their own costumes which meant I couldn't afford too many.
I pulled out a blue bikini that was bedazzled with a hundred sequins. It looked really cheap but you couldn't tell in the dark club. I quickly changed and stuffed my big breasts into the bikini top. I sat down at my station and opened the drawer full of makeup. I brushed my brown hair and darkened my eyes with black liner and eyeshadow. I added the biggest fake lashes and overdid the lipstick.
Helena strutted into the room wearing a long dress and platform shoes. She was very thin and tall with small perky breasts. She could've been a model if she wanted to. Most of the dancers were so jealous of her body.
“Joe seems angrier than usual. Late again, Winter?” Helena sat down at the station next to mine. She had been dancing at the Emerald for over ten years which was a lifetime to some of us. When I started, Helena helped me through the basics: getting my costume, learning the routines, and dealing with customers who get a little too touchy.
I capped my lipstick and pursed my lips in the mirror. “Only by fifteen minutes. I could be one minute late and he'd still go b
Helena laughed. “Joe is Joe.” She put her hand on my shoulder. “We just got in a big group of guys.”
“I hope they have deep pockets.” I winked.
Poppy came back from the stage all sweaty. Crumpled-up dollar bills were pinned along her waist with a g-string.
I got down on my knees and groveled at her feet. “Thank you so much, Poppy. I owe you a million times over.” I kissed her platform shoes for added effect.
Poppy's fake red hair burned brightly. “You better believe you owe me. I barely got any tips out there and a group of bikers just came in right after I finished.”
“How about I split my tips with you tonight. Will that make up for it?”
Poppy smirked. “Yeah that might work.”
My phone buzzed on the counter. I checked my message and it was from my roommate, Jenny.
Jenny: You better text me when you're on your way home.
Winter: Don't worry I will :)
Jenny didn't have a job so she made it her life's work to make sure I was always safe. She was so worried that one of the customers would try to kidnap me. Jerome was always around and would never let that happen.
Joe popped his head in. “You're on in five, Winter.”
“Knock em' dead, Sapphire.” Poppy kissed me on the cheek.
Sapphire was a name I quickly came up with right before my first dance. I needed a stripper name that radiated class and style. Diamond was already taken so Sapphire became mine. Most girls went by their real names backstage and some lucky girls like Poppy were already born with a fake stripper name.
I took a deep breath and went to the back of the stage. I peeked through the curtains and spotted a group of tough guys surrounding the stage. They were covered in tattoos with their biceps bursting through their tight white shirts. Tonight might actually be good.
The announcer's voice boomed through the air. “Ladies and gentlemen, the Emerald Club proudly presents: the mysterious, the insatiable, the lovely—Sapphire!”
“Pour it up” by Rihanna—my song—blasted through the speakers.
I burst out of the curtains with fire in my eyes. The overhead spotlights focused on my body as I made my way down the raised walkway, stomping my heels down. The boys cheered my name while throwing one-dollar bills onto the stage. I ran my hands up my stomach and felt up my tits, flaunting them to the crowd.
“Take it off,” one of the guys screamed.
I pouted my lips and shook my finger to the crowd. I faced away from the audience and slowly undid the string around my back. My bikini top hung loosely against my chest and I held it in place with my hands. The men hollered at me. I turned around and danced, not letting them see it all yet. Dancing was the art of seduction.
I dropped the bikini top and let my large breasts free. The boys cheered and whistled at my tits, their fists pumping in the air. I went up to the cold steel pole and pushed it against my cleavage, rubbing myself up and down. I bent over all the way and hugged my ankles, giving the best view of my thong and ass.
My eyes caught one of the bikers and my heart skipped a beat. He wasn't like the others. He sat quietly and stared at me. This guy had long slicked-back hair that was shaved on the sides. Intricate tattoos covered both of his strong arms and broad shoulders. He wasn't cheering along with his buddies.
The mysterious man's dark gaze focused in on me. I became flushed and lost my way for a moment. I climbed high up the pole, wrapping my legs around and locking myself in. I leaned back and swung around, slowly dropping all the way to the stage floor—my signature move. The crowd went wild. I flipped my blonde hair back and locked eyes with the bad boy. He sat in his chair with his Pain-cold face, his eyes drinking me in.
This is way too hot.
Rihanna's words slowly faded away and the crowd hollered. I gathered my bikini top and all the tips off the stage.
“One more round of applause for Sapphire,” the announcer yelled.
I gave the audience a curtsy before disappearing into the back—but not without getting one last glance at him. He sat in his seat, blanketed in shadows, with one finger slowly tracing his lips. A desire formed in the pit of my stomach.
“How much did you make?” Poppy asked, following me to my station.
My head was all cloudy and my cheeks were bright red. Who was that man?
“I said, how much did you make, Winter?” Poppy repeated.
“Oh sorry. Thanks again for covering for me.” I didn't even bother counting the tips. I handed her the majority of the crumpled up cash in my hands.
Poppy fanned out all the bills and her jaw dropped. “You made all this from one dance?”
I shrugged. “I guess they liked me.”
I sat down at my station, my hands shaking. I didn't have another dance for a couple hours and desperately needed a drink. Alcohol would calm me down. Why was so much adrenaline coursing through me?
Joe came in with a big grin on his face. That was nice change from the Joe I had to deal with earlier. “Great job, Winter. You got a guy out there requesting a lap dance.”
I nodded and touched up my makeup. I took a deep breath and my hands stopped shaking. Could it be him?
Chapter Two
The boys and I rode or bikes down the black streets, our headlights the only light in the overcast night. The entrance of the Emerald appeared over the horizon with it's bright pink neon lights. It wasn't the best strip club in town—the drinks were overpriced and the dancers weren't too attractive—but they had happy hour on Thursday nights. We had just made a lot of money from selling a huge load of weapons and it was time to celebrate and let loose.
“You ready to party, Axe?” Maverick, our veep, grinned and slapped his big belly.
I ran my fingers through my hair. “First round is on me.”
“I hope you're talking about lap dances because I'm definitely getting a couple tonight.”
“It's going to take a lot more than money to get a chick to dance on that nasty lap of yours.”
Maverick boomed out a jovial laugh and hit me on the back. The large bouncer let us in and we entered through a dark hallway that opened up to a huge room with chairs surrounding the stage. Private booths lined the left wall and a bar sat on the right with some passed out drunks.
The motorcycle club took their seats as a fire-red stripper with the biggest rack finished her dance. Hammer, the president of the club, went off to the bar to order us drinks. He was an older guy who has been with the club since its founding. Light gray hairs speckled his hair and beard but he was still built like an ox. I'd follow that man into the depths of hell.
The lights dimmed even further and the next dancer was announced. A bright spotlight hit the stage and a goddess flew through the curtains. Her long blonde hair cascaded off her shoulders and her blue eyes pierced me. The blood in my veins froze and butterflies fluttered in my stomach. My pants tightened as my cock came to full attention.
Who the fuck was this chick?
Hammer joined us and handed me a pint of beer, foam dripping down the sides of the glass. I nodded and took a sip. The cold brew slid down my throat and warmed me instantly. I drank more as I sat mesmerized, watching this girl parade down the stage.
I cursed myself for not remembering her name. It was Ruby, Emerald—something close to that. The rest of the boys cheered at her and I sunk further into my seat, taking in all the sights. Her feet glided across the stage like a ballerina. She turned around and slowly untied her top. My heart hammered in my chest louder and louder. She faced us and revealed her mountains. A spike of desire hit my crotch.
Those are the most perfect pair of tits I have ever seen.
My raging hard-on tried to break through my jeans. Before I knew it, the dance was over and my next conquest left the stage.
I had to have her. One smirk from me and she'd be putty in my hands. I never met a woman who could resist me.
I asked the nearest employee that I
wanted a private lap dance from the girl that was just on stage. My balls were hot coals in my pants and they needed to be emptied.
“Gotta have her, don't ya Axe?” Maverick chuckled.
I ignored him and followed the employee over to one of the private booths. He told me she'd be out in a minute and shut the curtains. I sat in the comfy seat and my palms were sweating profusely. Why was I so nervous? This was just like any other lap dance, and I'd had thousands of them.